Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Bringing a New Atmosphere to Your Basement

Decorating and taking your basement to a new look may seem challenging as it requires you to have earnest attention to some details that would make it lively and transform from its dark and dull atmosphere. Putting enough attention to it by adding the right color and light can make it just like the other rooms in your house. After redesigning and taking this space of the house in a newer atmosphere, you can use it as a bedroom, study room, or even a recreational area. You can put furniture like leather recliner chair in this area and rest on it when you want to stay in solitude.

In redesigning your basement area, you have to put more attention on lighting it. This is important as most of the basement have poor lightings. They don’t receive enough light from the outside. Low ceilings also make them appear darker. In this case, you can put proper lighting and incorporate brighter colors that can help in illuminating the whole space. You can start by putting ceiling lights, pot light would be a better option for this. You can also use floor lamps, table lamps, and wall sconces.

Lighter colors are best in the basement. Bright fabrics, artworks, and floors can help in enhancing the area when it comes to its lighting. You can also incorporate chandeliers if there is still enough space in the room. Also, try to avoid putting darker colors in the room as it will just make the ceiling heavier and oppressive. You can put lighter colors on the walls and hang artworks to have more patterns and make it appear livelier. You can add discounted furniture in the area so you can stay and relax in the place for quite some time.

Dampness is the most important thing to consider when it comes to the basement floor. Most basements appear a little bit damp. In this case, using hardwood floors won’t help because it will easily moist. You can choose laminate or engineered flooring for this form type of floors. You can also do this to other floors so you can add extra space and make them appear larger. After redesigning your basement area, you can put some leather bar stools which you can use when you decide to take your time and relaxation from other parts of the house. Taking your basement to a newer atmosphere is never that difficult when you learn to do it simply by considering your taste and the design that will make the atmosphere more conducive for relaxation.

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